Steam Leak Control & Analysis

Steam is an essential energy source for many manufacturing processes. By boiling water in order to produce steam is therefore very costly. Leaks & steam trap failure might cost million of dollars annually!

Frequently Asked Questions

Where it is necessary, use adjustable and closable valves. Yet another way to prevent internal leaks is by installing a separator which separates the condensate carried in the steam.

Steam leaks have relatively significant impact on energy efficiency, resulting in higher energy loss, higher utility bills and higher operational costs.

Look at all visible piping, with special attention being paid to joints and fittings. Look over the main vent of the system for obvious signs of leakage.

It is defined as a means to remove condensate, air and other non-condensable gases from the steam system and prevent live steam going out of it.

Wasted energy comes from when a steam trap fails and steam and condensate both leak out.

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