About Us

We Optimize Machine Reliability
PPM Predictive & Preventive Maintenance Sdn Bhd is a corporate provides Predictive Maintenance (PdM) services & Preventive Maintenance (PM) services. We provide condition monitoring & analysis for your industrial machineries to minimize your maintenance cost effectively. We carry out our services with calibrated instruments by competent technical personnel to ensure our customers will get the best quality of work. The ultimate objective to carry out predictive & preventive maintenance is to attain Zero Failure Performance for your machine. Zero Failure Performance is, thus, not only desirable but also attainable and, in the long run highly profitable.

Our Services
What are the benefits of PdM & PM?

Restore system productivity

Avoid any unexpected breakdown

Increase efficiency of machine

Maximize machine availability & production effectiveness

Reduce maintenance cost

Increase overall profits

Reduce insurance premium by better maintenance & safety management
Without PdM & PM?

Reduce machine lifespan

Reduce the efficiency of machine

Additional cost to repair & clean the machine

Reduce the production effectiveness

Induce the unwanted waste

Increase maintenance cost